Seek Community, Share Resources

Med-QUEST is Hawai’i’s Medicaid
health care program. It offers no
cost health insurance for you and
your family. Now more people than
ever before are eligible.

Med-QUEST is Hawai’i’s Medicaid
health care program. It offers no
cost health insurance for you and
your family. Now more people than
ever before are eligible.

SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program which helps
families struggling in todayʻs economy
afford healthy food from
local markets & grocery stores.
In 2020,SNAPhelpedput food on the
table for an estimated 85.000 households
in Hawaiʻi.

T-Mobile Project 10Million
T-Mobile is offering a free hotspot and 100GB of data for five years for students that qualifies for national school lunch program and it is one per household. Parents will need to show that their child is receiving free or reduced lunch. They can also show proof that they have/are:
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) via P-EBT or EBT
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
- Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
- Medicaid
- Head Start
- Foster youth, migrant, homeless, or runaway youth
Once they are qualified for Project 10 Million, they will also have access to the store to purchase laptops and tablets for up to 50% off. They do not need to re-enroll, but there are enrollment limits per state.

Free Medicare Advice
Community Outreach for Kupuna. Free in home or over the phone consultations from local people that care.

Affordable full-day and no-cost child care program
– Honolulu Communit Action Program Head Start provides affordable full-day and no cost part day center-based and home-based options for children 3 to 5 years old.
– HCAP Early Head Start provides year round home-based services to prenatal parents with infants and toddlers.